CALL FOR PAPERS – New Perspectives in Science Education, International Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS – New Perspectives in Science Education, International Conference

8th Edition

The 8th edition of the international conference New Perspectives in Science Education will be held in Florence (Italy) on 21 -22  March 2019.
The objective of the New Perspectives in Science Education Conference is to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for science education. The New Perspectives in Science Education Conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the science field.
The Call for Papers, within the New Perspective in Science Education Conference, is addressed to teachers, researchers and experts in the field of science education as well as to  coordinators of science and training projects.
Experts  in the field of science teaching and learning are therefore invited to submit an abstract of a paper to be presented  during the New Perspective in Science Education international conference.

All accepted papers will be:

- Included in the Conference Proceedings published by LibreriaUniversitaria with  ISBN and ISSN codes.
- Sent to be reviewed for inclusion in SCOPUS
- Included in ACADEMIA.EDU
- Indexed in Google Scholar

Oral, poster and virtual presentations will be available.
For further information:

In order to submit a paper please click here.

All information about the conference is available at: