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StartseiteNeues ERASMUS+ Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt TOI TOI TOI
Neues ERASMUS+ Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt TOI TOI TOI
The new ERASMUS+ programme demands more sustainability from the project-consortia, hence it will be more important to name, describe and emphasize the impact of project-results on different levels. Furthermore there have been several LdV-TOI projects whose results have faded away. These issues make developing and implementing innovative tools for project-coordinators and other actors crucial for the success of the projects. These tools will enable them to check the partners and the whole consortia in matters of their possibilities to ensure sustainable impact before starting a project.
TOI TOI TOI will develop two web-based evaluation tools for coordinators and further actors in the field of European VET-projects to ensure that the sustainability of the project-results is guaranteed within the consortia. In order to achieve these goals the project team will:
a) Test the tools in the partner countries; b) Develop alternative evaluation tools; c) Evaluate existing project results; d) Analyze project consortia.
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- Fotos Valorisierung
- Praxispartner Klinik Bad Berka
- Auftakttreffen IMED-KOMM 2012
- Dissemination Nicosia 2012
- Rijeka und Opatija 2012
- Meeting České Budějovice 2013
- Dissemination LSE London 2013
- Dissemination Isparta 2013
- Dissemination Berlin 2013
- Dissemination Noto 2014
- Internationaler Valorisierungsworkshop Pécs 2013
- Internationale Valorisierungskonferenz Varna 2014
- Meeting Nitra 2014
- Valorisierung Bulgarien/Varna
- Valorisierung Slowakische Republik/Nitra
- Valorisierung Tschechische Republik/České Budějovice
- Valorisierung Ungarn/Pécs
- Meeting Nachhaltigkeit Varna 2015
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