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StartseiteTLC-Pack Newsletter und Einladung: Training of adult health care workers in Germany
Dear colleagues
Please find attached the latest newsletter for the TLC-Pack project in English and in German. The TLC Pack team are delighted to share news of the forthcoming project seminar on 20th April 2016 in the picturesque town of Cham, in Southern Germany (Bavaria). The seminar will welcome specialist guests from around Europe, representing the fields of care work, languages and migrant support.
The seminar will deliver a number of presentations including:
The challenges facing the health sector and European initiatives to address these challenges
Training of adult health care workers in Germany
Occupational specific language learning
If you wish to attend this FREE event please contact the project coordinator at
Kind regards
Margret Oberhofer
Coördinator internationale projecten - Linguapolis
Assistent onderwijstechnologie – Antwerp School of Education
Stadscampus – PR08.202
Prinsstraat 8 – 2000 Antwerpen - Belgium
P +32 3 265 48 52
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